Sunday, May 9, 2010

Musical Happiness

I'm excited!

I'm excited about the fact that I have found something awesome. Not just "Oh, yea that's pretty cool...." But to me...Awesome!
I have been trying to record a few songs, they sound ok, but since it's hard to get anything except guitar or piano and vocals in there, with my limited resources, they're pretty average.
But this is Awesome. And I owe it to my Brother, who gave me the idea. I can now add drums and bass to my recordings! See I told you Awesome!!!
I knew that our keyboard was a bit talented, even when no one was playing it, but I never thought that I could use the drum demo in recordings, or that the bass settings could be added!

I can't wait to do some more recordings!!!! Yay!

Thanks Tom!

and Hannah, because without you I wouldn't have even known how to do recordings!

This morning when I woke up, I said to myself, "Oh, blah, Monday."
But this sunny day has made me feel pretty happy.

I mean, why shouldn't I be? :-D

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